How to auto start your program on IchigoJam ?

IchigoJam which is uniq one board computer can start a program automatically when you power on.

IchigoJam has 4 slots ( 0 to 3 ) inside for saving your programs. You can load & run your program which saved slot 0 ( I meand a program which you did SAVE0 ) with following way.


1st way

Keep to push a button ( tact switch ) on IchigoJam & power on it.


2nd way

Make short / connect BTN and GND. Then power on your IchigoJam.

Using jumper wire (male to male) is easy to make short.

  • BTN is located 2nd from the bottom of CN4 connector.
  • GND is located 7th from the bottom of CN4 connector


When use it ?

When you make a something without keyboard , its useful. For example , robot , sensing temperature & humidity machine , light controlling .



IchigoJam was developed in Sabae , Fukui in Japan in 2014. The concept of IchigoJam is a delivering fun of making program on computer for every kids in the world. It’s a name card size small one board computer with BASIC language. You can use it for video game , robotics , music , something automation with your ideas.
